Maja Kristine Johansson (b. 1990) is a Danish artist living and working in Bagsveard, near Copenhagen.
Instagram: @mk_johansson_artist
2011-2013: Kunstskolen Spektrum (Founding Art School, Copenhagen)
2013-2016: BFA Akademin Valand (Valand Academy of Fine Arts, Gothenburg)
Grants and Pizes:
2016: Familjen Gustaf Tobisons stipendiestiftelse (The Family Gustaf Tobison’s Grant)
2019: Andenpræmien på Den Censurerede Forårudstilling 2019, Hillerød, Danmark (The 2nd Prize at The Juried Spring Exhibition 2019, Hilleroed, Denmark)
“We are here/Vi är här”, Galleri Thomassen 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden
“Valand c/o Stadsmuseet”, Gøteborgs Museum 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden
“Hvidovre Censurerede Udstilling” 2018, Hvidovre, Denmark
“Den Censurerede Forårsudstilling 2019”, Hillerød, Denmark
“Let us eat cake”, Pineapple Black Gallery, 2021, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom
“Cholombians Of Monterrey“ 2019, De Frivilliges Hus, Gladsaxe, Denmark
Ⓒ2021 Maja Kristine Johansson